Gnosis has witnessed sizable growth ever since its launch in 2017. The innovative project offers many new insights into what cryptocurrency can offer, but the primary feature is the prediction market. This feature allows independent developers to create betting markets on the outcomes of future events.

Data from the market can then be used to form a general prediction. The Gnosis protocol created two native tokens, GNO and OWL, to carry out different operations. The catch is that you cannot buy OWL with fiat money but only with GNO. Therefore, Gnosis is vital to investors looking to use any of the services the protocol offers.

This page will teach you how to buy Gnosis in steps that are concise and comprehensive, depending on which you prefer.

How to Buy Gnosis: Quickfire Walkthrough to Buy Gnosis in Less Than 10 minutes

If you are looking to invest in Gnosis, you can do that in less than 10 minutes. It is a wholly decentralized process that allows you to buy, hold and sell your tokens without the need for a broker.

This is how to do it:

  • Step 1: Download Trust Wallet: When buying Gnosis, Trust Wallet is one of the best options available. So, go to the Goolge Play or App Store, download the application and set it up on your device.
  • Step 2: Search for Gnosis: Open your Trust Wallet and input Gnosis using the box on the top right corner of the page. This will add the digital currency to your Trust Wallet interface.
  • Step 3: Add Cryptocurrency Assets to your Wallet: Being a small-cap Defi coin, you cannot buy Gnosis directly with fiat money. So, you need to fund your wallet with cryptocurrency assets which you can then use to buy Gnosis. You can do this by transferring established coins from an external source or buy directly on Trust Wallet with a debit/credit card. 
  • Step 4: Connect to Pancakeswap: Once you have the established cryptocurrency in your wallet, the next step is to connect to Pancakeswap. You can do this by selecting the ‘DApps’ icon on your Trust Wallet and picking Pancakeswap from the options given. Next, click on ‘Connect.’

Step 5: Buy Gnosis: After connecting to Pancakeswap, look for the ‘Exchange’ tab and click on ‘From.’ There, select the coin you are swapping for Gnosis and move to the ‘To’ section. Next, select Gnosis from the options available, enter the number of tokens you want, and click on ‘Swap.’ Your Gnosis tokens will reflect in your wallet afterward.

Always consider the risks involved when buying cryptocurrencies. Digital assets are highly speculative and volatile. 

How to Buy Gnosis – Full Step-by-Step Walkthrough

While the quickfire guide provides concise help for investors already familiar with the cryptocurrency market, it may not be easily understandable by a beginner. This is why we have provided a more detailed guide that breaks down every step.

With this, you can easily buy Gnosis even if this is your first time investing in cryptocurrency.

Step 1: Download Trust Wallet

To buy Gnosis, you need to have a wallet. Trust Wallet is one of the best available, and it supports Gnosis and many other cryptocurrencies. Go to the app store compatible with your device and download Trust Wallet. 

Install and set it up by following the on-screen instructions. This will require you to create a strong PIN and Trust will give you a 12-word passphrase. You should write this passphrase down and keep it safe. It will help you gain access to your wallet if you lose your phone or forget your PIN.

Step 2: Add Cryptocurrency Assets to Your Trust Wallet

Once you have your wallet set up, fund it by adding cryptocurrency assets to it. You can do this in two ways: transferring assets from an external wallet or buying cryptocurrencies using your debit/credit card.

We will explain these two options below.

Send Crypto from an External Wallet

If you have cryptocurrencies in another wallet, you can transfer them to your Trust Wallet by following the simple step-by-step guide provided below.

  • Open Trust Wallet and click on the “Receive” tab.
  • Choose the cryptocurrency you want to transfer in and copy the wallet address given.
  • Open the other wallet and paste the copied address into the box provided.
  • Input the amount of cryptocurrency you want to send and click on “Confirm.”
  • You will receive the cryptocurrency in your Trust Wallet within a few minutes.

Buy Cryptocurrencies Using Credit/Debit Card

If you do not have any other wallet with cryptocurrency in it, you can use the second option. Here, you can buy cryptocurrencies using your credit/debit card.

This is how to go about it:

  • On your Trust Wallet app, you will see an icon for “Buy,” click on it.
  • Select the coin you want to buy. It is preferable to get established coins such as BTC, ETH, or BNB.
  • Follow the Know Your Customer (KYC) process. This process is to verify your identity so that you can trade with fiat currency on the app.
  • To complete this process, you need to upload a copy of a government-issued ID.
  • Once done, enter your card details and the amount of cryptocurrency you intend to buy.
  • Confirm the trade and wait as your coin is deposited in your wallet.

Step 3: How to Buy Gnosis through Pancakeswap

If you wish to know how to buy Gnosis without using a broker, follow the process below carefully:

  • Go to Pancakeswap and click on ‘DEX.’
  • Click ‘Swap’ and select ‘You Pay.’
  • Choose the token you want to pay with and enter the amount.
  • Now, go to ‘You Get’ and select Gnosis from the drop-down box.
  • Click on ‘Swap’ and confirm.

Your Gnosis tokens will reflect in your wallet within a couple of minutes.

Step 4: How to Sell Gnosis

Once you know how to buy Gnosis, it will also be advisable to understand the selling process. Knowing this will prepare you for converting your tokens into either money or other cryptocurrencies. There are two ways to sell your Gnosis, and we will explain them below.

  • The first way is to sell for fiat money. To do this, you have to connect to a third-party exchange such as Binance.
  • Once you transfer your Gnosis tokens to the exchange platform, you can sell them for fiat money and withdraw your funds into your bank account.
  • This will require you to go through a KYC process.

The other way is to swap Gnosis for another cryptocurrency on Pancakeswap. The process is similar to how you bought the token but in reverse. Enter Gnosis in the ‘You Pay’ section and the new token underneath ‘You Buy’.

Where Can You Buy Gnosis Online?

Gnosis is a project that is fully committed to the decentralized system. Therefore, it is better to buy the token from a decentralized exchange such as Pancakeswap. Once you are familiar with this platform, you will likely use it for all of your cryptocurrency trading needs

Pancakeswap – Buy Gnosis Through a Decentralized Exchange

The goal of Gnosis is to encourage a full-fledged decentralized system. This objective makes Pancakeswap the best option for investors looking to trade in Gnosis. Pancakeswap is a decentralized exchange that allows investors to have total control of their assets without the input of an intermediary.

Additionally, the DEX has a simple user interface. Furthermore, some of the features Pancakeswap offers include liquidity pools where investors put their unused tokens and earn on them. The liquidity pool is usually filled with tokens from several investors and is used by the platform to perform financial activities. The yields are then shared among the investors who have stored their funds in the pool.

Investing in Pancakeswap pools also affords investors additional financial benefits such as discounts on their trading fees and opportunities to win from the lottery. Another way to win big on Pancakeswap is to stake in the farms. By farming the Pancakeswap governance token, CAKE, you can earn rewards in harvests or invest in SYRUP pools.

Notably, what makes Pancakeswap so favorable for many traders is the DEX’s diversity. The exchange is compatible with many wallets such as Trust, MetaMask, and others. It also supports a variety of digital assets and Defi coin which enables you to diversify and improve your portfolio. Generally, if you are looking to trade Gnosis, Pancakeswap is your best bet.


  • Exchange digital currencies in a decentralized manner
  • No requirement to use a third party when buying and selling cryptocurrency
  • Supports a sizable number of digital tokens
  • Allows you to earn interest on your idle digital assets
  • Sufficient levels of liquidity – even on smaller tokens
  • Prediction and lottery games


  • Might appear daunting at first glance for newbies
  • Does not support fiat payments directly

Always consider the risks involved when buying cryptocurrencies. Digital assets are highly speculative and volatile.

Ways to Buy Gnosis

You can buy Gnosis either by using your credit/debit card or transferring crypto from another wallet.

Buy Gnosis with Credit/Debit Card

You cannot buy Gnosis directly, so you have to buy an established coin with your card. Then, you can exchange this coin for Gnosis on Pancakeswap.

Buy Gnosis with Crypto

If you own cryptocurrency in another wallet, you can transfer some coins directly into your Trust Wallet. Then, connect to Pancakeswap to exchange for Gnosis.

Should I buy Gnosis?

Many investors, especially beginners, often ask various questions on how to buy Gnosis. One of the most recurring questions is whether or not the coin is a good buy. Well, the fact is that Gnosis is a part of the cryptocurrency world, which is a volatile market. 

The value of the asset is unstable and highly susceptible to market speculations. To be safe, it is advisable you do adequate research to know whether Gnosis will be a worthy addition to your portfolio.

Regardless, here are some things to note in doing that:

Established Crypto Project

The track record of the project behind a cryptocurrency asset is always an essential factor when considering buying the coin. For Gnosis, the project was created as a decentralized prediction market for people to place bets without the limitations of centralized platforms. 

Launched on the Ethereum blockchain, which supports many other altcoins, the project has all the support it needs regarding technical and financial backing. The essence of this is that Gnosis might be a worthy addition to your portfolio if you are into prediction markets. You’ll still need to do your personal research on the coin’s trajectory before making a final decision.

Developers’ Goal

Many developers with hobbies that thrive on prediction markets enjoy the feeling that comes with the Gnosis protocol.

  • If you follow sports, politics, or any other activity that lives on uncertainty, you can build a market on the Gnosis protocol to engage others with similar interests.
  • To do this, you must buy the Gnosis token and, consequently, OWL, which you will use to build your event market.
  • Results from the betting rounds are used to form a prediction for the event, creating a basis for participants to wager on much larger scales.

The impact of this is that you can influence the event you follow, and it all starts with buying some Gnosis tokens.

Investment Plan

Gnosis, like every other digital asset, is not for every investor. You should only buy Gnosis if it fits into your investment plan considering factors such as your capital, risk appetite, investment purpose, and so on. For example, if you are looking to buy, hold, and sell within a short time frame, Gnosis may not be the best option.

Considering its trajectory, the coin is mostly suitable for long-term plans or prediction purposes. By going for the first option, you will join the category of investors who purchased Gnosis at the time of the initial offering, stayed through the fall of the token, and are now waiting for it to rise enough to sell profitably. 

The second category of investors are traders who do not buy Gnosis directly but trade it by making predictions against its rise and fall. For this category of people, they can make money from the token whether the market sentiment is bullish or bearish.

Gnosis Price Prediction

Before buying Gnosis, many investors are tempted to check for price predictions. For example, you may find some commentators arguing for the possibility of an over 300% increase by 2025.

These Gnosis predictions are commonplace in the cryptocurrency market. You should not base your buying decision on them, as no one can accurately predict cryptocurrency assets even for the next hour.

Risk of Buying Gnosis

Gnosis is slightly different from other cryptocurrencies today, because of its design. The team behind the Gnosis protocol built it to serve as a medium for betting enthusiasts to create markets for their hobbies. 

  • Unfortunately, this means that the Gnosis token is still susceptible to most of the risks inherent with cryptocurrencies.
  • In addition to this, the unreliability of predictions adds an extra layer of risk for investors and other participants.
  • Therefore, you need to consider the pros and cons of buying Gnosis before investing too much.
  • After arriving at your conclusion, you can look for ways to make the best out of your investment.

You can do this by investing minimally and diversifying your portfolio by buying other assets to mitigate risks.

Best Gnosis Wallet

A wallet is central to the activities of an investor in the cryptocurrency market. As explained above, you need a wallet to buy, store, and sell your cryptocurrency assets. If you are looking for a wallet specifically for Gnosis, here are some of the best options available.

Trust Wallet: Overall Best Gnosis Wallet

Trust Wallet is one of the top options available in the market, and it takes our overall best position because of its utility. The wallet performs every function precisely and offers a lot of juicy features for Gnosis holders. One of the core strengths of this wallet is its ease of use.

The interface is user-friendly as it is suitable for both beginners and veterans. Backed by Binance, Trust Wallet supports a wide array of cryptocurrencies and is currently the first choice of many investors. Thus, if you are just getting started, this might be your best bet.

Gnosis Safe: Best Gnosis Wallet for Convenience

If you are wondering why this wallet did not take the overall best position, it is simply because it doesn’t match up to the offerings of Trust Wallet.

Trust Wallet has all the features to make trading cryptocurrencies a walk in the park, while Gnosis Safe is still on the way. However, if your goal is to trade in Gnosis tokens alone, this wallet may be a better option for you.

  • Gnosis Safe is designed to make trading the asset easy and satisfying for investors. The wallet is very convenient as it offers various versions for web, desktop, and mobile users.
  • The wallet also supports other Ethereum-based assets such as ERC20 and ERC721. It affords an extra layer of security by allowing an additional hardware wallet if desired.
  • What makes Gnosis Safe innovative, though, are some of its features that are not found in many other wallets. For example, there is a multi-signature feature that a company can use to ensure that its cryptocurrency assets are safe from unauthorized access.

This wallet's other exciting features include Defi integrations, gasless signatures, collectibles, and formal verification.

Safepal S1: Best Gnosis Wallet in Security

Hardware wallets have proved to be at the top when it comes to keeping cryptocurrencies safe. This accounts for why many people go for established hardware wallets such as Safepal. With this wallet, investors can store their cryptocurrency assets offline and reduce the chance of hackers stealing their data and gaining access to their wallets. 

Like Trust, a digital wallet backed by Binance, Safepal is also supported by the cryptocurrency giant. Another advantage of the wallet is that it allows you to store multiple assets in a single place. With this, you can store your Gnosis tokens and delve into other digital currencies and subsequently add them to your investment portfolio.

How to Buy Gnosis – Bottom Line

The bottom line on how to buy Gnosis is simple. All you have to do is to download Trust Wallet and fund it with an established cryptocurrency. Then,l connect to Pancakeswap, where you can exchange the established coin for Gnosis. Once you understand the process, buying Gnosis becomes a walk in the park.

Buy Gnosis Now via Pancakeswap



Always consider the risks involved when buying cryptocurrencies. Digital assets are highly speculative and volatile.


How much is Gnosis?

As at the time of writing in late Jule 2021, Gnosis sits at over $180.

Is Gnosis a good buy?

Gnosis can be a great addition to your financial portfolio if you plan strategically. Buying when it is low and selling after hitting highs has always been a core principle in dealing with cryptocurrencies.

What is the minimum Gnosis tokens you can buy?

You are free to decide how much Gnosis you want to buy. Since you can buy cryptocurrencies in fractional units, you can purchase even half of one GNO.

What is the Gnosis all-time high?

Gnosis hit its all-time high on 5 January 2018, when it sold for $461.17. The all-time low was on 13 March 2020 when it dipped to $7.05.

How do you buy Gnosis using a debit card?

If you’re wondering how to buy Gnosis using a debit card, you should follow this simple process. Start by purchasing an established coin on Trust Wallet with your debit card (e.g. BNB or ETH). Then connect to Pancakeswap and exchange the coin for Gnosis.

How many Gnosis tokens are there?

When the project had its initial coin offering (ICO)in 2017, the team sold 10 million Gnosis tokens and that remains the maximum supply available in the market. Out of this number, about 1.5 million GNO tokens are in circulation, and the market cap of the coin stands at over $281 million as of July 2021.


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