CUNI is the native token of the Compound protocol. This project is an autonomous interest rate protocol designed for developers to enjoy a world of open financial applications. Launched in 2019, the Compound protocol aims to revolutionize the availability of loans. With this protocol, investors can take out high-liquidity loans in less than a day. 

By investing in and staking CUNI, you can also gain governance rights which enables you to vote on how the protocol operates. Much is still unknown about the CUNI project but the popularity of its native token continues to increase. Therefore, here’s a guide on how to buy CUNI, especially at a time when the coin still has a low price. 

How to Buy Compound UNI: Quickfire Walkthrough to Buy CUNI in Less Than 10 minutes

Knowing how to buy CUNI is nothing to rack your head over. By following our quickfire walkthrough, you can go from start to finish in 10 minutes or less. Once you get your CUNI tokens, you can start your journey to investment expertise.

The journey begins after the first step so let’s get you started on how to buy CUNI.

  • Step 1: Download Trust Wallet: To buy any cryptocurrency including CUNI, you must have a wallet. Download the Trust Wallet app and install it on your device.
  • Step 2: Search for CUNI: After setting up your Trust Wallet, the next step is to locate the token. You can do this by clicking on the search box located at the top right corner of the page and input “CUNI.”
  • Step 3: Add Cryptocurrency Assets to your Wallet: Before you can buy any asset, you need to have funds in your wallet. You can fund your wallet in two ways. You can either transfer some cryptocurrencies from an external source or buy directly on Trust Wallet with Visa or MasterCard.
  • Step 4: Connect to Pancakeswap: Once you have established coins in your wallet, you can now buy CUNI. Connect to Pancakeswap by clicking on the ‘DApps’ feature on your Trust Wallet. Select Pancakeswap from the options available, and click on ‘Connect’.
  • Step 5: Buy CUNI: The moment you are connected to Pancakeswap, you can now buy CUNI. Proceed by clicking on the ‘Exchange’ button. Go to the ‘From’ section and choose the coin you are exchanging for Pancakeswap from the options given. Now, go to the ‘To’ section and select CUNI.

Select the amount of CUNI tokens you want and complete the process by clicking on ‘Swap’. This brings you to the end of the investment process. As such, you now have CUNI tokens and you can store, trade, sell or do whatever you wish with them!

Always consider the risks involved when buying cryptocurrencies. Digital assets are highly speculative and volatile. 

How to Buy CUNI – Full Step-by-Step Walkthrough

The quickfire walkthrough is the simplest way to get to buy CUNI tokens but it may not be clear enough. If this is your first time buying CUNI, you may not fully understand these steps with the explanations given above. Thus, we are providing you with a more comprehensive guide on how to buy CUNI from start to finish.

Step 1: Download Trust Wallet

Start by downloading the Trust Wallet app. There are many options available in the market but Trust offers some of the best features you can desire in a digital wallet.

Due to its simplicity, it is favored by many investors who understand how easy the wallet is to make Defi coin investments. So, to get the ball rolling, go to your app store and download the Trust Wallet.

Install and set it up by inputting your details and creating a strong PIN to protect your wallet. Trust will provide you with a 12-word recovery passphrase to access your wallet if you ever forget your password or lose your device. Write the passphrase down and keep it safe.

Step 2: Add Cryptocurrency Assets to Your Trust Wallet

After setting up your new wallet, it is going to be empty and you’ll need to fund it. There are two ways to do this, you can either transfer cryptocurrencies from another wallet or buy some using your credit/debit card.

Send Cryptocurrency from an External Wallet

The first method to add cryptocurrency assets to your Trust Wallet is to transfer tokens from another wallet. If you have a prior cryptocurrency wallet, you may find this method easier.

Follow these steps to transfer your cryptocurrency holdings from your other wallet into your Trust.

  • Click on the ‘Receive’ tab on Trust Wallet.
  • Choose the cryptocurrency you want to transfer into the wallet.
  • Trust Wallet will give you a unique wallet address for the transaction, copy it.
  • Open your other wallet and paste the address into the box specified for the purpose.
  • Enter the amount of coin you wish to transfer and confirm.

You will see the cryptocurrency in your Trust Wallet within a few minutes.

Buy Cryptocurrencies Using Credit/Debit Card

If you choose not to transfer from another wallet or you simply do not have one to use, you can buy established coins directly on Trust Wallet.

To do this, follow the simple steps highlighted below.

  • On your Trust Wallet, click on the ‘Buy’ tab.
  • Pick the coin you want to buy from the options listed. Since you are going to exchange the coin for CUNI later, it is preferable to buy established tokens such as BTC, ETH, BNB, and other similar ones.
  • You will be required to go through a Know Your Customer process. This process is used to verify the identity of investors before they can trade with fiat money, so it’s nothing out of the ordinary.
  • Upload a copy of a government-issued ID to complete the process.
  • Once done successfully, you can enter the amount of coins you want to buy and confirm the trade.

You will receive your coins in your wallet within minutes.

Step 3: How to Buy CUNI through Pancakeswap

You cannot buy CUNI directly with fiat money, so you need to get another cryptocurrency first. In this context, a preferable cryptocurrency is an established coin such as BTC, ETH, or BNB, with which you can buy CUNI. 

Now that you have this coin in your wallet, you can move onto the last process. The most straightforward way to buy CUNI on your own is to use a decentralized exchange such as Pancakeswap.

Pancakeswap offers many benefits which makes it more preferable than others. Connect to Pancakeswap to buy CUNI.

You can do that by following these simple steps.

  • Open Pancakeswap and click on ‘DEX’.
  • Click on ‘Swap’, followed by ‘You Pay’. Under this box, pick the coin you want to pay with and the amount. The coin you choose should be the same one you bought earlier.
  • Move onto the ‘You Get’ section and select CUNI from the options listed in the drop-down box. You will see the rates for swapping between your established cryptocurrency and CUNI.
  • Click on ‘Swap’ and confirm.

You will get your CUNI tokens in your wallet shortly afterward.

Step 4: How to Sell CUNI

You have learned how to buy CUNI, so the next thing is to understand the selling process when you decide to. You can sell your CUNI tokens in either of two ways. The first is to swap it for another cryptocurrency asset while the second option is to sell directly for fiat money.

Here is a closer look at the two options:

  • If you choose to swap your CUNI tokens for another cryptocurrency asset, you will have to use an exchange such as Pancakeswap. Follow the process you used to buy the tokens but this time, in reverse. Pick CUNI under the ‘You Pay’ section and not the ‘You Buy’ tab. Then swap for the coin you intend to buy.
  • The other method is to sell your CUNI tokens for fiat money. While you cannot do this on Pancakeswap, you can easily transfer your tokens to a centralized exchange such as Binance. On this other exchange, you have to complete a KYC process, after which you can transact. You can then transfer your money to your bank account.

Where Can You Buy CUNI Online?

The CUNI token has a huge supply, which makes it pretty common in the market. You can buy CUNI from any exchange that sells Defi coin but it is preferable to go through decentralized platforms. If you are thinking of how to buy CUNI through a decentralized exchange, you should consider Pancakeswap.

Pancakeswap – Buy CUNI Through a Decentralized Exchange

Pancakeswap is a decentralized exchange that capitalizes on the AMM model. The word, which means Automated Market Maker, symbolizes Pancakeswap as an independent exchange. What AMM offers investors is an opportunity to trade without having to use an intermediary. This automated trading system makes the process smooth and stress-free.

Pancakeswap has so much to offer its users. The DEX allows investors unlimited freedom to trade and enjoy the offerings of the cryptocurrency market. One of the reasons for this freedom is the algorithm of the platform which allows investors to pitch against the system and not directly against other traders.

After buying, selling, swapping, or doing any other purpose for visiting Pancakeswap, investors can enjoy other features the platform offers. The most exciting feature is the liquidity pool. Liquidity pools are for investors to put their spare tokens and earn commissions on them. They also receive discounts in their trading fees as an added perk.

By using Pancakeswap, investors enjoy a decentralized trading system that cannot be limited. It is cheap to use and gives investors autonomy over your assets. The DEX  also provides a solid background to diversify your portfolio. You can swap the cryptocurrency asset you possess for several other ones and have a more robust portfolio.


  • Exchange digital currencies in a decentralized manner
  • No requirement to use a third party when buying and selling cryptocurrency
  • Supports a sizable number of digital tokens
  • Allows you to earn interest on your idle digital assets
  • Sufficient levels of liquidity – even on smaller tokens
  • Prediction and lottery games


  • Might appear daunting at first glance for newbies
  • Does not support fiat payments directly

Always consider the risks involved when buying cryptocurrencies. Digital assets are highly speculative and volatile. 

Ways to Buy CUNI

If you are still thinking about how to buy CUNI, there are only two answers. You can either buy CUNI with cryptocurrency or with a credit/debit card.

Here is how to go about the two:

Buy CUNI with Crypto

To buy CUNI with cryptocurrency, you need to transfer the digital asset you wish to use from an external source into your Trust Wallet. Then, connect your Trust Wallet to Pancakeswap and swap the cryptocurrency for CUNI.

Buy CUNI with Credit/Debit Card

How to buy CUNI using a credit/debit card is equally easy as the first method. You have to buy an established coin on Trust Wallet using your card. Afterward, you should connect to Pancakeswap and exchange the said coin for CUNI. Note that using this method will require you to go through the KYC process before you can transact.

Should I buy CUNI?

When learning how to buy CUNI, you should also consider whether the coin will be a good addition to your portfolio or not. The question is a valid one, but there is no veritable answer to it. To know whether you should buy CUNI or not, you have to do your research and consider key factors that may influence your decision. 

Here are some things to look out for.

Affiliate Projects

The project that established CUNI was designed to make investors earn daily interest on their assets. Apart from this, the protocol aims to help developers build financial applications that will improve the objective of the project. 

Since it was launched, independent developers have created innovative projects such as an interest-earning system for donation income, a no-loss lottery architecture, cryptocurrency wallets designed with savings APRs, and so on.

If this trend continues, more attention will be drawn to the protocol and the value of its tokens will invariably increase. More than they are earning now, investors in the token may win bigger in a couple of years. Yet, there’s no tangible data to back this position. As such, your research needs to go beyond the surface.

High Liquidity

The main services of the Compound protocol are all geared towards increasing the availability of interests on investors’ assets.

  • The project achieves this by putting all investors' funds in a liquidity pool where others can borrow from and pay with interest that is then shared among donors.
  • Based on the project’s algorithm, interest increases every 13 seconds.
  • What the protocol does well is that investors can withdraw their investments and interest at any point.

This high liquidity allows investors to always have an emergency source of income, which brings more traction to the protocol’s native coin, CUNI.

Growth Trajectory

The growth trajectory of CUNI is noteworthy for any investor looking to buy the token. As at the time of writing in late July, the token’s 90-day all-time low and high are $0.38 and $0.43 respectively. This price is the same as the coin’s 30-day all-time low and high, as well as that of its 7-day. This points to the fair stability of this digital asset.

So, if this looks like what you’re looking for in a coin, then you can consider this project. However, remember that all cryptocurrencies are susceptible to fluctuations, meaning the price can change either positively or negatively at any point.

CUNI Price Prediction

Some commentators say that the CUNI token is expected to perform well in the coming years. This prediction relies on the speculation that the entire cryptocurrency market will experience a considerable increase in years to come. However, assertions of this nature cannot be verified, so you can’t base your buying decision on them. 

Risk of Buying CUNI

Investing in cryptocurrency assets always comes with unavoidable risks.

  • The cryptocurrency market is more volatile and speculative than any other industry in the financial market.
  • This reality means investors should always be wary and stay abreast of updates in the market.
  • Doing this will help to mitigate the tendency of loss as you can pull out your investment when things aren’t going as planned.
  • The major risk with CUNI lies in the fact that much is still unknown about this token.

The total and maximum token supplies are still unverified and its future is still based on wide speculation.

Best CUNI Wallet

CUNI, like every other cryptocurrency asset, needs to be stored in a wallet. The functions a wallet performs vary and they include serving as a medium to buy, sell, store and trade cryptocurrency assets.

For these functions, it is important to get a good wallet that will serve your purpose adequately. Below we have listed some of the best wallets for CUNI.

Trust Wallet: Overall Best CUNI Wallet

Trust is the overall best wallet for storing CUNI. Simplicity, accessibility, security, user-friendliness; Trust Wallet ticks every box. The wallet was designed to cater to all the needs of cryptocurrency investors at the tap of their fingers. 

Trust Wallet supports several major cryptocurrencies and DEX’s such as Pancakeswap where you can exchange established coins for CUNI.

MetaMask: Best CUNI Wallet in Compatibility

MetaMask is one of the best wallets in the cryptocurrency market. The wallet is lauded for its compatibility with many cryptocurrencies, including CUNI. 

Apart from its general compatibility with many digital assets, MetaMask is also one of the technology firms supporting the Compound project. MetaMask is therefore easy to use and offers enticing features most other wallets are yet to catch up with.

Trezor: Best CUNI Wallet in Security

Security is always a concern for anyone with cryptocurrency holdings. The reason for this derives from the risks associated with the digital asset marketplace. Some of these risks include the menace of hackers who are always looking to gain illegal access to people’s wallets and steal their assets. 

If you have a large CUNI holding, it may be better to use hardware wallets such as Trezor as it stores assets offline; providing an extra layer of security from hackers who mostly attack digital wallets.

How to Buy CUNI – Bottom Line

The answer to the question of how to buy CUNI has been explained comprehensively in this guide. First, you have to download Trust, add funds to your wallet, connect to Pancakeswap, and subsequently buy CUNI.

By following the procedures carefully outlined, you would have successfully bought CUNI from the comfort of your home.

Buy CUNI Now via Pancakeswap



Always consider the risks involved when buying cryptocurrencies. Digital assets are highly speculative and volatile.



How much is CUNI?

As at the time of writing in late July, the price of CUNI sits at just over $0.41.

Is CUNI a good buy?

What is the minimum CUNI tokens you can buy?

CUNI is still quite affordable to many investors, so there is no restriction on the volume of tokens you can buy.

What is the CUNI all-time high?

CUNI has an all-time high of $0.41 - which it attained on 30 July, 2021.

How do you buy CUNI using a debit card?

How to buy CUNI using a debit card is simple. You have to first buy an established coin on Trust using your debit card. Then, connect to Pancakeswap and exchange the established coin for CUNI.

How many CUNI tokens are there?

CUNI has no listed maximum or total supply, which makes this information unknown.


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