Alpha Finance is a Defi protocol that allows users to participate in yield farming and also provides liquidity. It also leaves users with the option of participating in these opportunities through leverage. The protocol’s native token is referred to as ALPHA, and it has garnered some traction in the cryptocurrency market since it was launched.  

In this guide, we will walk you through how to buy Alpha Finance tokens. The guide will also provide you with all the necessary details needed to become competent in buying Defi coin generally.


How to Buy Alpha Finance — Quickfire Walkthrough To Buy Alpha in Less Than 10 Minutes 

Learning how to buy Alpha tokens is pretty straightforward, even if you are a cryptocurrency novice. A decentralized exchange or DEX like Pancakeswap has simplified the process through its simple user interface.

You can purchase your Alpha Finance tokens in less than 10 minutes by following the guide below. 

  • Step 1: Download Trust Wallet: You will need a reliable cryptocurrency wallet before engaging in any transactions. Trust Wallet is very suitable for several reasons, and you can download it from your App or Google Play Store. 
  • Step 2: Search For Alpha Finance: Once you have installed your wallet – next, you can search for Alpha Finance in the bar at the top right corner of your screen. 
  • Step 3: Deposit Cryptocurrency Assets Into Your Trust Wallet: As you have newly installed your wallet, it will likely be empty. You will have to deposit cryptocurrency tokens in the wallet before you can start trading. You may choose to buy some with your credit/debit card or transfer from an external source. 
  • Step 4: Connect to Pancakeswap: Alpha Finance is a Defi coin. If you want to buy some without going through a centralized exchange, you can opt for Pancakeswap. The DEX is an excellent exchange platform that’s available on Trust Wallet. Simply locate the ‘DApps’ icon at the bottom of your wallet, and select Pancakeswap from the available options. Next, click ‘Connect’ to complete the process. 
  • Step 5: Buy Alpha Finance: You can buy your tokens by clicking on the ‘Exchange’ button on your Pancakeswap page. You will immediately see a ‘From’ tab that produces a drop-down box, and you can choose the cryptocurrency tokens for the trade. Next, move to the other side to access the ‘To’ tab and choose Alpha Finance and the number of tokens you want. Finally, hit ‘Swap’ to complete the exchange.

Your Alpha Finance coins will appear in your Trust Wallet in a few seconds.

Always consider the risks involved when buying cryptocurrencies. Digital assets are highly speculative and volatile. 

How to Buy Alpha Finance — Full Step-By-Step Walkthrough To Buy Alpha Finance 

After reading through the quickfire guide above, you may already have an idea of how to buy Alpha Finance. However, if you are a new cryptocurrency investor or have never used a DEX before, you may find it difficult to purchase some coins on your first attempt. 

As a result, we have provided more comprehensive insstructions on how you can buy Alpha Finance tokens with ease. 

Step 1: Get Trust Wallet 

The first step to purchasing your Alpha Finance coins is to download the Trust Wallet. As you will need a wallet for your cryptocurrency transactions, Trust is the most suitable option for you.

In addition, you can easily access Pancakeswap, which is the best DEX for purchasing Alpha Finance coins. Trust Wallet is also easy to navigate and access – and provides secure storage for your tokens. 

You can download the wallet from your App or Google Play Store and install it within seconds. Then, set it up and select a memorable and secure password. Trust Wallet will also give you a seed phrase that you can use to log in if you forget your password or lose your device.

It will be best to write it down and keep it somewhere inaccessible by anyone, as non-authorized access to it can compromise the safety of your coins. 

Step 2: Add Cryptocurrency Assets to Your Wallet 

You will need some cryptocurrency tokens that you can exchange for Alpha Finance coins. If you have just installed Trust Wallet, then you likely don’t have any digital currency in it. You can fund your wallet by following one of the two options we will provide below. 

Transfer Cryptocurrency From an External Source 

You can transfer cryptocurrency into your Trust Wallet from an external source. However, this means you must have some digital assets in that external wallet. Nevertheless, it is a simple process you can achieve in minutes if you follow the short guide below. 

  • Look for the ‘Receive’ tab in your Trust Wallet. 
  • Choose a cryptocurrency for the exchange, and click on it to access the wallet address. You can copy this address to make your transaction easier. 
  • Open the external wallet you want to transfer the digital tokens from and paste the address in it. 
  • Choose the cryptocurrency and quantity, and complete the transfer. 

The tokens you have just sent will reflect in your Trust Wallet within 10-20 minutes. 

Buy Cryptocurrency Directly With Your Credit or Debit Card 

On the other hand, this may be your only option if you do not already own some cryptocurrency tokens somewhere else. With Trust Wallet, you can buy cryptocurrency coins directly with your credit or debit card. 

However, you have to complete a Know Your Customer (KYC) process. Essentially, it entails providing personal information alongside a government-approved identification card like your driver’s license or passport.

You can now buy your tokens by following the steps below:

  • Click on the ‘Buy’ bar in your Trust Wallet. The wallet will produce a list of the tokens you can purchase, but we recommend going for an established one like Binance Coin or Ethereum. 
  • Next, choose the quantity you want to buy and input your card details. 

Finally, complete the transaction and await your newly purchased tokens in your Trust Wallet. 

Step 3: How to Buy Alpha Finance Tokens 

Since you have funded your Trust Wallet, you can now buy Alpha Finance coins via Pancakeswap. However, you will have to connect Trust Wallet to the DEX first. You can then proceed to purchase your tokens by following the steps outlined below:

  • Locate the ‘DEX’ tab at the bottom of your Trust Wallet page and click on ‘Swap.’
  • It will produce a ‘You Pay’ tab, and this is where you’ll choose the cryptocurrency token you purchased or transferred earlier. 
  • On the other side, you will find the ‘You Get’ tab, and you can choose ALPHA from the available options. 
  • You will also see the number of Alpha Finance tokens the cryptocurrency assets you transferred or purchased earlier are equal to. Again, you can choose to exchange all or just a percentage. 
  • Lastly, you can complete the trade by clicking on ‘Swap.’

Trust Wallet will now display the Alpha Finance tokens you just purchased. 

Step 4: How to Sell Alpha Finance Coins

It is not sufficient to simply know how to buy Alpha Finance coins; you also need to learn ways to sell them. Essentially, there are two methods, and you can opt for which best suits you. 

Exchange Alpha Finance For Another Cryptocurrency

Swapping your Alpha Finance coins for another cryptocurrency is an excellent way to sell them. Here, you can exchange them for another token, depending on what you hope to achieve. You can equally use Pancakeswap for this exchange, and the steps are similar to when you are buying. 

However, in the ‘You Pay’ section, you will input Alpha Finance and the quantity. In the ‘You Get’ section, you can choose the new cryptocurrency asset you want to invest in. With Pancakeswap, you have diverse options. 

Sell Alpha Finance For Fiat Money

Alternatively, you may choose to sell the Alpha Finance tokens for fiat money.

  • You will have to use a centralized exchange for this trade, and Binance is suitable and easily accessible.
  • You can move your Alpha Finance tokens to Binance and sell them there for fiat money. 

But of course, Binance will never let you trade anonymously when fiat currency is involved, and as such, you have to complete its KYC process beforehand. 

Where Can You Buy Alpha Finance Tokens Online?

There are over 351 million Alpha Finance tokens in circulation, so finding a platform to buy some should not be difficult. However, the best way to buy Defi coin such as Alpha Finance will be through a decentralized exchange like Pancakeswap.

The DEX has several features that endear it to cryptocurrency holders, and we will discuss some of them below. 

Pancakeswap – Buy Alpha Finance Tokens Through a Decentralized Exchange

Pancakeswap is a decentralized exchange and one of the best to use. The DEX eliminates the need for an intermediary in cryptocurrency exchanges, which is also the essence of Defi coin like Alpha Finance. Of course, that is a major advantage of Pancakeswap, but it equally has numerous other benefits that make it a preferred DEX.

You can access Pancakeswap through Trust Wallet, which is an excellent option for your Alpha Finance coins. Trust Wallet is easy to access, user-friendly and very secure for your tokens. Additionally, you don’t have to subscribe to or pay for either Trust Wallet or Pancakeswap, making the two a perfect fit for buying your Alpha Finance tokens.

You can make money from staking your idle coins on Pancakeswap. With Pancakeswap, your idle coins contribute to the platform’s liquidity pool, thereby increasing your source of earnings. There are also several farming opportunities on Pancakeswap, and you can use them to make some extra tokens. 

Pancakeswap also charges low transaction fees, making the protocol convenient for trading your coins. This is in addition to its fast execution speed, which allows you to complete numerous trades within a short time frame.  Furthermore, because the DEX houses hundreds of coins, you can always diversify your portfolio with tokens you might not find elsewhere.


  • Exchange digital currencies in a decentralized manner
  • No requirement to use a third party when buying and selling cryptocurrency
  • Supports a sizable number of digital tokens
  • Allows you to earn interest on your idle crypto funds
  • Sufficient levels of liquidity – even on smaller tokens
  • Prediction and lottery games


  • Might appear daunting at first glance for newbies
  • Does not support fiat payments directly

Always consider the risks involved when buying cryptocurrencies. Digital assets are highly speculative and volatile.

Ways to Buy Alpha Finance Tokens 

Once you have internalized how to buy Alpha Finance coins, you may be thinking about the ways in which you can complete your purchase.

Typically, there are two methods: 

Buy Alpha Finance Tokens Through Your Credit or Debit Card 

You can buy Alpha Finance tokens directly with your credit or debit card when you use Trust Wallet. There is a KYC process you have to complete first, and then you can input your card details and buy a base cryptocurrency for your trade. 

Next, connect your Trust Wallet to Pancakeswap and exchange the tokens you purchased for Alpha Finance coins. 

Buy Alpha Finance Tokens With Cryptocurrency 

Your other option will be to buy Alpha Finance coins with cryptocurrency. However, it is essential that you already own some in another cryptocurrency wallet. Then, you can transfer the digital currencies to your Trust Wallet, connect to Pancakeswap and buy your Alpha Finance coins. 

Should I Buy Alpha Finance? 

If you are gathering information on how to buy Alpha Finance tokens, then it is very likely that you are considering if it’s a good buy. That is a question you will have to answer on your own, and you can get there by conducting in-depth research into the Alpha Finance project. 

We understand it might be challenging knowing what to research. So, while working on that, you may want to consider some of these factors pertaining to Alpha Finance: 

Low Price 

As at the time of writing in early August 2021, one Alpha Finance token has a price of about $0.07. This is relatively low when you compare against Defi coin like Lido and RenBTC. In cryptocurrency trading, the common market strategy entails buying when the price is low and selling after it shoots up. 

As such, now may be a good time to purchase some Alpha Finance tokens. However, remember that is a decision you should make after engaging in thorough research. This will ensure you’re making an informed decision because a low price doesn’t necessarily mean a good buy.

Staking Opportunities 

The essence of the Alpha Finance project is to provide its users with numerous and mouth-watering staking opportunities. Alpha Finance holders can stake their tokens and earn rewards from the protocol’s ecosystem. The system also automatically compounds the rewards for you. 

There is an innovation known as ‘Alpha Tiers.’ Here, the more ALPHA tokens you stake, the higher your level in the ecosystem. Apart from earning higher rewards with your stakes, you also unlock some unique and exclusive features. 

Leveraged Yield Farming

Leverage is a legitimate way to increase your potential returns in investment while depositing less. With Alpha Finance, you can leverage your tokens in yield farming, thereby increasing the rewards you earn. 

Yield farmers can use borrowed liquidity to take leveraged positions that will help them accrue a higher Annual Percentage. Liquidity providers can also leverage their positions and garner higher APY trading fees. 

Alpha Finance Price Prediction 

If you have conducted sufficient research on Alpha Finance, then the chances are that you have come across several price predictions on the internet.

  • Alpha Finance is a volatile asset; as such, it is pretty tricky to attempt to predict what the price will be in a day or a year. 
  • The value of most tokens is primarily influenced by market speculation and, sometimes, the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO).
  • As such, you should never buy Alpha Finance tokens solely because of price predictions.

Instead, ensure that you have enough information on the project before you make a purchasing decision. 

Risks of Buying Alpha Finance 

You will also need to factor in the risks of buying Alpha Finance tokens. Of course, the primary one is that the value of Alpha Finance could plummet shortly after you purchase some tokens. You will have to wait until the price shoots back up before you can sell if you intend to avoid deficits. 

Although there is no way to know what the coin’s value will be in days, weeks, or months to come, you can mitigate your risks by applying these tips. 

  • Diversify your portfolio: When you purchase various cryptocurrency tokens, you will have lower chances of running a loss. This is because if the price of one goes down, you have a couple more to rely on. 
  • Buy at intervals: You can also purchase at favorable intervals, like when the price is low or after significant market updates have influenced the value of Alpha Finance. Of course, it also helps to buy in small quantities. 
  • Fact-Find: This is very important as it helps you understand the basis of the Alpha Finance project. When you understand it, you can adequately prepare for its potential increase or decrease in value. 

Best Wallets for Alpha Finance

You will subsequently need a secure storage wallet for your Alpha Finance coins, whether you buy them in a large or small quantity. The wallet you choose should be protected, easily accessible and user-friendly. 

As such, we have put together some of the best Alpha Finance wallets for 2021. 

Trust Wallet  - Overall Best Wallet For Alpha Finance 

Trust remains the overall best wallet for storing your Alpha Finance tokens for several reasons. For one, it has the support of Binance, the world's largest trading platform.

Trust Wallet is also very secure and provides you with a 12-word passphrase that you need to access your account on a foreign device. This means that it will be inaccessible to anyone who cannot accurately provide those words.

The wallet is also easy to access and navigate, even for cryptocurrency newbies. Furthermore, Trust Wallet gives you direct access to the Pancakeswap DEX. 

Trezor Wallet - Best Alpha Finance Wallet For Convenience 

Trezor is a great hardware wallet for convenience when it comes to Alpha Finance. The wallet stores your cryptocurrency keys offline, which makes it impossible for hackers to access them.

Additionally, you can store as many as 1,000 different digital currencies on it. This feature encourages diversifying your portfolio, as you will not have to worry about finding numerous storage options for your coins. 

Ledger Wallet - Best Alpha Finance Wallet For Security 

The Ledger Wallet is a very secure hardware wallet that stores your private keys offline. That way, it is unavailable to hackers, and even if they gain access to the hardware wallet, the security system will prevent them from gaining entry. 

The wallet requires you to enter your PIN every time you need to make a transaction. It also has excellent backup and retrieval options that ensure you never entirely lose your Alpha Finance tokens. 

How to Buy Alpha Finance — Bottom Line

In this guide, we have shown you how to buy Alpha Finance in simple steps. Once you follow the procedure, you can buy as much as you desire without breaking a sweat. Over time, you will soon become an expert trader buying Defi coin as you wish!

All you need to get started is to download Trust Wallet and link it to the Pancakeswap DEX. Connect the two apps and you’re good to go.

Buy Alpha Finance Now via Pancakeswap



Always consider the risks involved when buying cryptocurrencies. Digital assets are highly speculative and volatile. 


How much is Alpha Finance?

As at the time of writing in early August 2021, one Alpha Finance token is priced at just over $0.70

Is Alpha Finance a good buy?

You are in the best position to determine if Alpha is a good buy. Adequate research and cryptocurrency news follow-up should help in deciding this. Making this decision yourself will ensure you’re making an informed choice.

What is the minimum Alpha Finance tokens you can buy?

If you so desire, you can buy as little as one Alpha or less than that.

What is the Alpha Finance all-time high?

Alpha Finance has an all-time high of $2.92 which it reached on 05 February 2021.

How do you buy Alpha Finance tokens using a debit card?

You will need to download a suitable wallet for this transaction, and Trust Wallet fits perfectly. Set up your wallet and complete the required KYC process. Next, input your card details and buy the digital tokens you will use for the exchange (e.g. Binance Coin). Then, you can connect your Trust Wallet to Pancakeswap and buy your Alpha Finance coins.

How many Alpha Finance tokens are there?

Alpha Finance has a maximum supply of 1 billion tokens, with just above 351 million in circulation. The coin also has a market cap of over $250 million.

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